One to One with Victoria


Working one to one with Victoria will help to make your life transitions easier and as positive as they can be. So that you emerge from them a stronger person, and able to discover your authentic self.

Choosing to enter therapy is a positive step, but it can also feel daunting. So what can you expect when working with Victoria?


During this time, we talk through your areas of concern. You can explain what you want and need from me. I will identify what I can do for you and tell you the way that I work, giving you an outline of appointments and the therapies appropriate to you. 

This time is free for you to make sure that I am the right person for you and that you are happy to commit to the therapy process with me.



This appointment is usually around 1 ½ hours in length, where we will be able to talk through the most pressing concerns you previously outlined. I will get a clearer picture of you and anything relevant to you, your life, background and explore the issues you want to tackle or change. This further ensures that your sessions are truly bespoke.

I realise that loss, grief and big life events, current pressing issues or problems, are often at the forefront of people’s minds when they come to see me. So here we decide on the right approach for you. We may need to work on a longer term basis to heal and to deal with the feelings that accompany these events. Or, you may need a more Coaching based approach when you are dealing with a task or problem in isolation, ie giving a speech, appearing on television, taking an exam or working towards a promotion. We can also look closely at improving your diet and sleep patterns.

We always look at the whole of you – we put your life in context so that we can find thorough solutions that work in the most appropriate and comfortable way for you.



These appointments are 1 hour and normally take the form of talking therapy but there may be other things that you need, in which case I can identify these and utilise extra skills in an appointment. For example, reflexology (for identifying trapped emotions in the body and deep relaxation), nutritional consultations and energy healing. I can also refer you to other experts who can support the work that we do together. 

We are always moving towards a resolution of your problem in a time frame that works for you. Working in a way that is an exchange to bring expedient, long lasting, change for the better. I use a rounded approach, offering choices and avenues of exploration on a physical, emotional as well as mental level.


Feeling positive, feeling renewed.


Every few weeks you will receive a report, this is a summary of the things we’ve spoken about with recommendations, ideas and suggestions of areas you may wish to explore further in your own time. When you have a session a lot of information comes out and you may not remember everything you want/need to. I find, and clients tell me, that this helps to keep consistency and relevance in the times between appointments, assisting you with a reference to return to. 

The key to therapy working for you is that you are able to feel happier and healthier outside your appointments, not just when you are in them.



We so rarely speak about how things end, and it is as important as a beginning. My aim is for you to know how it feels to have a great ending to your time in your appointments. We will discuss how and when you feel your issue, be it physical, mental or emotional is resolved. When you have a strong foundation that you feel capable of maintaining we can end our sessions in a positive way looking forward to the changes you’ve made being present in your life.

Connecting with Victoria is simple and convenient:

Appointments can be arrange in person, by telephone or via video (Zoom, Skype etc)

“When I first had a consultation with Victoria, I was at a low period of my life, I lacked self confidence, had no feeling of self worth and felt I had lost my self identity. My thoughts were going round and round in circles, I couldn’t make decisions and there seemed no glimpse of a light at the end of the tunnel.
Through gentle coaxing, in a calm and non judgemental way, she helped me discover why I was feeling this way and with her help I gradually began to understand myself more and find a pathway out, this in turn helped me move forward with my life with a more positive mindset.”

Christine, Scotland